Thursday, June 9, 2011

365 {6.9.11}

Today is Day 9 of my 30 Day Photography Challenge

"Someone you Love"

I love lots of people~but the 3 most near and dear to my heart are these 3 crazy peeps below!!! Since my sweet family was not in the mood for a photo shoot today (I let them off the hook, once in a while, LOL!!!), I decided to pull this FAVORITE photo from my scanned photo file. They will probably wish they did the photoshoot today~ha ha!!!

This was taken around 1997 or 98 (way, way, WAY before my photography days~I think this was taken with a film point and shoot, LOL), when we were living in Lynchburg VA. Mike was finishing his bachelor's degree at LU. Surprisingly, those "lean" days were some of the best times in all our lives!!!

I LOVE these CRAZY 3!!

june 9 rs 1


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