I have something going on every night this week~
(taken with my iphone)Tonight Mike and I were meeting with a couple from church. We decided at the last minute to meet in the church office, instead of a public place. We had been talking for an hour or so, when I was distracted by a women who walked by the office
(we are not really in a high pedestrian-walking area). She opened the door and started talking kind of sarcastically. Mike invited her in, which kind of made me a
little nervous (I was thinking...where is my phone??? does she have a gun in her purse, can I take her, should I call 911!!!). What can I say, I live a sheltered life, LOL!!!
Her name is Marnie, she is 40 years old, and has a masters degree in teaching. She definitely has some mental health issues, but after listening to her,
(which was VERY hard to follow most of the time, but I think was very therapeutic for her), Mike told her that we would try to get her some help. She did
not ask us for money, we gave her a ride to her friends house, Mike got her phone number and hopefully we can get her the care she needs.
If you are the praying type, please say a prayer for Marnie!! And that we can find her the help she needs to get better!!
Oh yeah, and since we got home
waaaayyy later than anticipated, the photo above is what I am snacking on at the moment ;)